Thursday, September 30, 2010

Introduction Post

In my blog I will be talking about the problems that have arisen due to the heavy illegal immigration that has occurred over the past decade.  As most people know the majority of illegal immigrants come from Mexico and that is where I will be focusing.  I want to focus more on the illegal gang activity that comes with illegal immigration and what I feel needs to be done to control the illegal immigration flow.  The reason I chose to blog about this issue is because I feel that our government has done a very poor job in regulating the immigration flow into this country.  It has not done enough to control the flow of illegal immigrants and what they bring into our country.  The amount of illegal immigrants in our country is outstanding.  The government needs to do more to keep out illegal immigrants.  The problems that illegal immigrants have caused for this country have been massive.  They take jobs away from Americans and there are many times where illegal drugs are smuggled into the country.  Immigration issues should be a big factor in the upcoming midterm elections.  So much needs to be done with the regulation of these issues and right now that is not happening.  I want to let people know how illegal immigration has hurt the American economy and what I feel needs to be done to stop it. 


  1. I agree with the things you've said here. I agree that immigration is a huge issue and that there needs to be a lot done to both help and stop the problems that are happening concerning immigration. You're right, the government has not done very well when dealing with immigrants. Hopefully in the near future the country will find a way to regulate the issues taking place right now considering the government.

  2. I agree that our government has done a poor job regulating illegal immigrants. A lot of illegal immigrants are involved with illegal drugs and do have a negative effect on our economy. We already have an unemployment rate that is off the charts and the rise of illegal immigrants is not helping the situation. I feel that we need to defend our borders better against illegal immigration. The heightened security on our borders will scare immigrants away and will stop their negative effect on our economy. Hopefully something is done soon.
