Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Post 1

                Over the past few years I have watched the news and continuously see reports on the problem of illegal immigration into this country.  The government has failed to control this situation and I feel that things need to change.  What made me want to talk about this topic is a story that my grandfather told me about his experience with illegal immigrants.  My grandfather was hunting in Texas one summer and during his hunt a family of illegal immigrants ran across the field.  They were coming in from Mexico, and the ranch my grandfather was hunting on said they see people do that all the time.  This story just made me angry because it is so easy for people to come into this country illegally, and that has to change.  I have also watched the television show Border Patrol, which is a documentary on the lives of real border patrol officers.  What interested me was how hard these men and women work at keeping people out of this country, but have not received enough support from the government to completely control the situation.  The government has started taking steps in increasing the security of the Mexican/U.S. border by increasing the amount of border patrol agents to 17,057, which is way up from 6,315 which was in 1997.  I still feel like more needs to be done.   It is hard to say that the government needs to spend more money on the security of the border when government spending is already out of hand, but you have to look at the benefits that would come from increasing the security.  With an increase in border security there would hopefully be a decrease in the amount of illegal immigrants coming into America, therefore decreasing the amount of money spent on INS resources.  Increasing the spending now would hopefully decrease the amount of spending in the future.


  1. I somewhat agree with what you are saying. I agree that the government should try and cap illegal immigration as much as it can, but at the same time the government cant stop all illegal immagrants all the time. SO after a certain point it is just wasting money when it could be used in other areas. Also, illegal immagrants make up the backbone of Americas manual labor force. I know most people do not want to spend hour after hour picking strawberries or bannanas day after day. This is where illgal immagrats come in. They will do the jobs that other Americans feel like they are too good for. With out illgal immagrants this country would suffer!

  2. Well with unemployment as high as it is now these immigrants are taking jobs away from Americans, who rightfully deserve them. To say that they work the jobs that Americans are too good for, i feel, is an overgeneralization. Yes Americans have gotten lazy, and probably don't find the manual labor that many of these immigrants do appealing, but the unemployement of in this country right now is a real problem. There are many Americans that will take any job they can, including the manual labor mostly done by the immigrants. These jobs rightfully belong to the citizens of America, not to some illegal immigrant who should not be here to start with.
