Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Self Analysis Post

Throughout my blogging experience I discovered many new and different things about my topic of illegal immigration.  When I first started my blog I had one idea in my head and that was it.  As I started researching my topic some more I started to learn about other ideas on the subject.  I learned more about the different political views our country shares on the issue.  The problem that I had to overcome was becoming unbiased in my argument.  At first I only talked about my side of the argument while barely grazing over the other side of the argument.  As I progressed through the assignment I learned how to share both viewpoints while still effectively conveying my argument.  I also learned many interesting facts and statistics which allowed me to make a more compelling argument.  What I found very interesting was the history of illegal immigration in this country.  This allowed me to share background information with my readers, which many found to be very helpful and interesting as well.  After doing more research I learned about many of the problems that have arisen due to the increasing immigration problem.  The crime, healthcare costs and anchor babies, are all major problems caused by illegal immigration that I did not know about when I first started this blog.  I feel as though this blog has allowed me to become more informed on this topic and in turn inform others who might be uninformed.  Raising awareness on this issue I found to be of the upmost importance because something needs to be done about this issue that is causing Americans their jobs and money.  This blog project has really allowed me to see the different aspects of illegal immigration and become more open to other ideas.

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