Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Links Post

This link gave me all the information I needed on the complete history of immigration in the U.S.  This was a very informative link and it helped a lot in allowing me to understand the history of illegal immigration and where the problem first started.

This link gave me many statistics that were useful in presenting my argument.  This link allowed me to show exact numbers to help make my blog much more accurate and informative.  This was a very helpful link for me.

This link talks about the new law that Arizona enacted in its fight against illegal immigration.  The reason I find this link interesting is because this new law is the toughest law on illegal immigration to date.  It shows what some states are doing to protect themselves from the growing problem.

This link discusses the problem of anchor babies in America.  This is a very serious problem and this link does a good job of giving some detailed information about it. The link also explains what actions America has to take or can take in order to solve this problem.

This link is another statistical site that shows up to date statistics on cost and numbers dealing with illegal immigration.  The reason I really liked this site is because the numbers they give are current and there are also many links on the site that you can use to further explore the illegal immigration issue.

This link does a good job in showing the two polar political views on illegal immigration.  Through this link you are able to learn what both sides believe in and what they think should be done to solve this problem.

I like this link because it shows what illegal immigrants are costing us in the healthcare department.  With healthcare as big an issue as it is right now, this link allows you to look at how illegal immigration is causing us even more problems in the healthcare department.  The link does a good job in explaining a key problem caused by illegal immigration. 

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