Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Anchor Babies

Another big problem that accompanies illegal immigration is what we have come to call “anchor babies”.  I touched briefly on this issue in one of my earlier posts but will go into more detail in this post.  These babies are born of illegal immigrants and under the 14th Amendment of the Constitution any person born on U.S. soil is considered a U.S. citizen.  Most of the time U.S. officials will not separate parents from their kids even if the parents are not citizens of the U.S.  This allows many illegal immigrants to stay in the U.S. without going through the proper procedures to become a citizen.  The other problem that these “anchor babies” present is the costs that these babies incur.  Since the parents of these babies are not true citizens the costs of providing for these babies are covered by the taxpayer’s money.  The controversy arises because to solve this problem you would have to amend the 14th Amendment.  This is something thought that needs to be fixed somehow.  I do not really know how to solve this problem and right now no one really does.  Since 2002 there have been approximately 5 million “anchor babies” born in the U.S. which is costing the U.S. approximately $6 billion a year.  Some states are trying to make laws that would deny citizenship to “anchor babies”.  I don’t see these states having much success because they do not have the power to over throw the Constitution.  How this problem gets resolved will be very interesting and I feel there will be a lot more controversy in the years to come.  

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