Monday, October 25, 2010

The other side of the Arguement

                I noticed that many of you feel like I have only been showing one side of the argument, so I thought I would bring you the other side’s point of view more thoroughly.  If you have read my blog you have noticed I take a more conservative view on the matter, but I want to stress that I do not believe in every aspect of the conservative perspective.  The more liberal side has a very different outlook on this situation.  This side wants to focus more on providing amnesty to those immigrants who are not “documented”.  This would allow immigrants who came into this country illegally to receive the rights granted to every U.S. citizen.  They don’t feel that arresting and deporting a mass of people is fair and cost efficient.  I do agree with this.  Mass deportation would cost the U.S. billions of dollars, which is not something the government needs to be doing with spending already out of control.
            The liberal side believes that illegal immigrants should be entitled to educational and health benefits, just like American citizens receive.  They want to incorporate these people into our society and care for them.  Yes this would require taxpayer’s money to support these people until they were able to care for themselves, but you have to look at it from the view that you are helping those who might have come from a far worst situation back home.
            I am not saying that I necessarily agree with this perspective, but I feel that it is a bit more information on the liberal point of view. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I also agree with both conservative view points and liberal view points on the matter of illegal immigration. It is good to present both sides of the argument about illegal immigration. This post was very informative and has allowed me to more thoroughly understand the difference between liberal and conservative viewpoints. Nice Post!
