Friday, October 8, 2010

Illigal Immigration and Crime

Lately I have been thinking about the types of people who come into this country.  Many of the people who come here illegally are associated with some type of criminal activity.  After looking at some statistics I saw that of the 392,862 immigrants deported last year 195,772 were convicted of some sort of crime.  That is over half of the people deported.  Not only do these people come here illegally but they also create a more unsafe living environment for people in America.  The reason we need to increase border security is to keep people like this out of our country.  Border security is not only needed to keep illegal immigrants out, it is there to keep criminals out of our country.  The federal government needs to do more to protect its citizens from the vast number of criminals pouring in across the border illegally.  In order to help with the deportation effort of criminals, law enforcement can now run immigration status checks on all individuals who come through any kind of jail or court house.  I believe that this is a good idea in order to get these people out of our country, but think of the time and resources we waste in having to do this.  If we just kept these people from entering our country to start with then we wouldn’t need to worry about deporting them.
                I know that in many of the Mexican Border states, especially Arizona, the states are starting to make their own laws about immigration since the federal government has failed to adequately provide security for the border.  In the upcoming election people need to look for candidates who are looking to increase the security of the border.  I think it is sad when a state has to start making its own laws because the federal government has failed to provide the national security it has always promised its citizens.


  1. I agree that it is sad when state governments have to step up and play the role of the federal government. However, it is very hard to control illegal immigration, especially on a national level. I think the federal government needs to put more resources towards the halt of illegal immigration, but I also don’t think it would be a bad idea for states to increase security. Especially states around the border. These states have more illegal immigrants due to their location then other states and I think that if these state governments created their own security they could hone in on the illegal immigrants better then the federal government.

  2. I completely agree with your entire post. I have always advocated that illegal immigrants usually have a high rate of criminal activity. However I have never fully understood why this is so? I find it interesting how you feel like we should go about deporting or monitoring the illegal immigrants. Jails should perform a check on every prisoner that enters the prison in order to understand if they are actually illegal. However should we just deport them after this? Federalism, or the sepration of the national government from the state level government, has caused immigration to become an issue. I believe the states taking action is the best idea since the federal government has done nothing to fix this growing issue.

  3. Yes, it is "sad" that state governments have to rule in leu of the federal government in certain ares, especially one such as illegal immigration that carries such massive impacts on the country. I completely agree with you that we should stop illegal aliens from entering our country to avoid wasteful spending of time and resources. The only thing, however, is that it is much easier said than done. Illegal immigration has been an issue for a long time, and their methods of crossing the border evolve, as we change our security measures. The only logical solution I can see is to start sending a message to illegal immigrants that tells them it's unacceptable. I say we build border prisons in which we store the illegal immigrants that we catch for an extended amount of time. Pretty much making their stay in America the worst experience they've ever had. I think that if we change their perspective of our country, than we may have a shot of slowing the growing issue.
