Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Class Links Post

I really like this blog because it is covering such an interesting topic.  The author gives really good background information on the subject and gives very good and unbiased viewpoints too.  Reading the blog is very entertaining and informative at the same time.  Before reading this I did not know that this serious problem was actually going on.  I am glad I read this blog so that I am aware of what is going on around the world.   Reading this blog is well worth your time and I highly recommend it.

The reason that I like this blog is because it talks about a very controversial topic that is going on in today’s world and gives you very good and unbiased information on it.  I didn’t know much on this topic before I started reading this blog, but after reading it I feel that I have a much better understanding on the matter.  Anyone that wants to learn more about the Mosque and the controversy surrounding it should definitely take a look at this blog.

This blog talks about the going green movement.  The reason I found this blog interesting was because i have always supported the movement to create better and cleaner energy sources.  I am glad somebody decided to blog on this topic because I feel that Americans need to be more aware of what could happen if we do not do something to change our habits.  This blog gives very good details about what is being done and what still needs to be done to create cleaner energy sources.  A very well written blog.

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