Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What Should Be Done

                So what needs to be done in order to regain control of our south western border?  Would it be better to have an increase in man power, increase in technological resources, or anything else?  To me the ideal situation would be to have roving death bots on the border protecting us from those trying to enter our country illegally, but we all know we don’t have the resources for anything like that.  I guess that will just have to wait a few years.  But something that can be done is increase the amount of agents sent to protect the border.  I know that the government has started to send National Guard troops to help out the cause.  With more men you can search larger areas quicker, reinforce a bigger area,  and overall just do a better job keeping our border safe.  I know that the army has drones that can be sent to fly overhead and recon a certain area.  I’m not sure how readily available this kind of technology is, but if the agents were able to use something like this in order to recon large areas of land in a short period of time.  I know that these ideas would require a lot of government spending, but as I have said before this spending is necessary, unlike majority of the government spending being done now. 
                I almost think that creating a big wall that goes across the border wouldn’t be a bad idea; it would actually be kind of cool.  The immigration problem has really gotten that bad though that ideas like that are coming into people’s minds.  The recessing economy for the past couple of years has actually helped with the immigration problem a little, no one wants to come somewhere where they can’t find a job, but what is going to happen if/when our economy starts to go back up.  We need to be ready for this because if that does happen illegal immigrants will start to pour back into America hoping to find work, and we need to be ready in case that does happen.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the increased personnel part of your theory. It would definitely help to regulate the inflow of illegal immigrants. Also, the drones would be a great boon to border control, only problem is they are ungodly expensive. Secondly, although building a wall would look pretty damn cool, the illegal aliens will undoubtedly find ways to get around, or over, or maybe even under the wall. There have already been cases where we have caught illegal immigrants trying to cross the border by "tunneling" their way across. So what's to stop them from tunneling underneath the wall? Plus it would cost a ton of money (which our country doesn't really have right now) to build a long ass wall spanning our southern border with Mexico. I'd stick with boosting personnel and eventually getting the "roving death bots" you were talking about :P
