Monday, October 25, 2010

Theory Post

                When it comes to illegal immigration the two political sides are clear across the map from one another.  The conservative side wants to first secure the border and then worry about getting rid of the illegal immigrants in the country.  The liberal side wants to do more to help the illegal immigrants in the country, such as provide amnesty for those who have been in the country for a certain amount of years.   The only way for there to be a compromise to this situation I believe would for the government to reinforce the border but provide amnesty for illegal immigrants already in the country.  This would help satisfy both sides because both get their primary concerns taken care of.  The likeliness of this happening is very slim just because the cost to support the illegal immigrants granted amnesty along with reinforcing the border would be too great.  We would have to pick one area of focus to begin at and that is why little has been done to resolve the problem.  Something that would also greatly help the efforts in restricting illegal immigration would be to make obtaining a green card easier.  I know that many people can not acquire a green card and therefore choose to enter the country illegally.  It would be helpful to both sides if laws were passed that allowed acquiring a green card easier for immigrants.   
                Unfortunately this is a problem that I don’t see being resolved any time soon.  The two political sides are so far apart on their views for solutions that nothing is getting accomplished at the moment.  Compromises are going to have to be made at some point before this problem gets more out of hand than it already is.

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