Monday, October 25, 2010

Implications Post

Coming to a solution for this growing problem is going to be very difficult and something I do not see happening very soon.  The reason for this is because the two political sides are so far apart from each other, with neither one willing to compromise.  If a solution is not put into place then this problem will just get more out of hand than it already is.
            Right now illegal immigrants account for”29% (630,000) of the inmates in all state and federal prisons are illegal aliens—at a cost of $1.6 billion annually”.  The costs that illegal immigrants bring upon our country are massive.  If they are left to go unchecked then these costs will only continue to rise, something that our country really does not need right now.  The longer our government sits and argues about what the best action to take is; our costs continue to increase in order to cover the increase in illegal immigrants.  No one likes higher taxes but that is what is going to be the consequence of not handling the problem.  How else would the government afford to cover all the costs illegal immigrants incur?  A big problem is the healthcare costs for illegal immigrants.  When illegal immigrants go to the hospital for injuries and don’t have insurance to cover the treatment, who do you think picks up the tab?  We do!  We have to pay for the losses the hospitals take from treating these patients with our taxes.  Our government needs to do something about this and do it fast.
            You could argue granting amnesty to these people and make them pay taxes and everything would help just as you could argue securing the border would help.  Whatever the solution is, it needs to be put into action fast.  The longer we wait to fix this problem the more money we end up spending.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the fact that we do need to agree on a solution to this problem as soon as possible to stop it from becoming worse. The faster we can get an effective solution the faster we can cut down on our spending for these immigrants. I would imagine that this problem would be hard to find an excellent solution to because it will have effects on many people and their children. Defiantly no one wants to pay high taxes so I’m interested in knowing to what extent our taxes will potentially increase due to illegal immigration between now and the time a solution is implemented?
